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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Political Pick Up Lines

    Tara is very vocal and settles into the supportive perch of a like-minded environment. As a self-described ultimate player and spin enthusiast she's surprised when friends feel the need to mention Hillary as an introduction is made. She's proud of the fact however and her date is likely to hear arguments related to qualification and experience before the proper method for throwing a frisbee. Not a century previous though, women like her were dependent on a man and by binding extension the title of wife in order for their voice to be heard. Now, the simple fact that I'm writing this on my phone can disguise how little time has actually passed while the world has changed so rapidly.

     Unfortunately rapid change can be devastatingly illusory. Just as the signatory end of slavery in the US sat for an entire century before African Americans in 1964 were finally given the right to continue to be targeted by law enforcement and incarcerated at an egregious rate in contrast with other races. Law is clearly important to civilize an evil landscape, but culture reigns supreme. When we change the rules the losers like to pretend like something happened so nothing changes culturally. Unfortunately most of us can't even know the law well enough to defend ourselves and far too often we're faced with choosing between bankrupting legal fees or plea pushing public defenders.

     In the face of great opposition be encouraged, if only by necessity because discouragement remains the oppressor's Great Wall. When we feel like these complicated laws and the limited means we have to change them fail to support our ideals, politicians urge us toward the polls. We're herded in droves to cast our solicited and often uninformed vote toward a lesser evil and the process serves to mask proper representation. You won't find yourself reflected in the image of presidential candidacy so don't look for it there. Its not because they fill a higher class but because these people work for us, from the bar tender to the second grade teacher to the stay at home mom or dad. Don't refuse to vote because you feel underrepresented, a blank ballot is a vote for the majority. Tara's vote counts for herself and for anyone who's fallen victim to being on the wrong side of culture.


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