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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Deal or no Deal

     A thought or a word can end the attraction, like the ache of a partially completed root canal will sabotage appetite mid five star filet. A person proud of an agreeable nature and uncanny ability to accept those unlike themselves will find a crossroad if unable to identify their own deal breakers. Modern electronic dating asks their users to store a lexicon of attributes to hold up to a potential companion. Unfortunately these endless lists of traits may be met with disappointment where a short list of negatives would have sufficed.
     Blonde and blue with Ken's class and corvette he can press twice her weight while reciting Proust and smoking. She's airbrushed at dawn, tack sharp and accented with glassy curves but works for Trump. Met thrice before ever dating, their qualities stayed in a constant state of absent memory until finally he made his move. Before she could kiss and tell his emphasemic habit he'd already decided her compromising career prohibited a second date.
     I've made personal attempts at flaw-blindness only to identify some insignificant blemish strikes my weakened patience. Compromise, the anthem of continued chemistry should be applied to the greatest conflicts. To overlook significant differences cheats both parties and worse demands a change in oneself. While borderline British dental shame might fall to the wayside in light of timely humor, the traits that we choose to accept shape preferences and flexibilities we're comfortable seeing in our significant other. Above all the importance of discovering personal limits and maintaining them can be the difference between finding love or accommodating your future ex.

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